Adult Stem Cells – The Greatest Medicine in the History of Man

When Ronald Reagan died of Alzheimer’s disease, Nancy Reagan became interested in stem cell research and its potential to treat Alzheimer’s disease. As a result, her supporters have voiced more on this issue.
Ronald Reagan’s death from Alzheimer’s disease has increased support for human embryonic stem cell research. In this study, we need to destroy the human embryo. Many supporters of stem cell research believe that stem cell transplantation has great potential to treat certain diseases such as Parkinson’s disease and diabetes. Medical researchers believe that germ cell research may one day lead to insights into Alzheimer’s disease.

Most supporters of stem cell research, at least, find that stem cells, which carry the genetic characteristics of Alzheimer’s disease, help scientists determine the potential usefulness of new drugs. However, few scientists believe that stem cell therapy has a direct benefit to Alzheimer’s disease.

The general consensus among scientists and researchers is that stem cell transplantation therapy does not appear to be a viable treatment for Alzheimer’s disease. There is a clear lack of true enthusiasm for stem cell therapy, as it has practical potential for treating Alzheimer’s disease.  umbilical cord stem cellsThe core of stem cell research focuses on human embryonic stem cells, which can be cloned into any type of tissue. This amazing ability of these cells has led scientists to believe that these stem cells can be a “universal patch” to replace damaged or non-functional organs.

“For example, some studies suggest that stem cells injected into an injured heart may stimulate the development of new healthy myocardium. The most promising target for such’cell therapy’. Among them is Parkinson’s disease.
However, Parkinson’s disease affects only a small, specialized population of brain cells. Another use for stem cell therapy may be type 1 diabetes caused by the loss of separate insulin-producing cells in the pancreas.
The most promising use of stem cell therapy is in spinal cord injuries, where some major nerve cells die, such as the paralyzed injury of actor Christopher Reeve. However, in Alzheimer’s disease, the requirements for brain relaxation are too complex.

Although this study may sound promising for Alzheimer’s disease, the medical community considers the outcome of stem cell therapy for Alzheimer’s disease to be a “fairy tale.”

“People need fairy tales in the first place,” said Ronald D.G. McKay, a stem cell researcher at the National Center of Neurology and Neurology. “It may be unfair, but they need a relatively easy-to-understand story.” Other researchers believe it is wrong to talk about Alzheimer’s disease in connection with stem cell research. .. Stem cell experts acknowledge that there are diseases that may someday be cured by embryonic stem cell therapy, but these experts say that Alzheimer’s disease is the least likely to benefit from this treatment. It states that it is one of.